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Interview with coach Chris Jones

Interview with coach Chris Jones

Jonathan Ervine15 Aug 2020 - 07:30
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Coach provides lowdown on the team quizzes

First team coach Chris Jones gives us his thoughts on last season, provides the lowdown on the team quizzes, and looks forward to next season.

What has it been like to get back to training again after several months without football?
It's been great getting back amongst the players and coaches but it's been a bit different due to the restrictions. However, we've all adjusted to the situation and I must say the work done by the club on and off the field has been meticulous every step of the way - I must say Mel, Dyl and Dafydd have worked tirelessly.

You have a reputation for taking the team quizzes very seriously. If you could appear on any television gameshow, which one would you want to appear on and why?
The quizzes have been lively and competitive but all done in good spirits and kept us all together. My favourite quiz show has to be Eggheads and believe me some have been left with egg on their faces after attempting our quizzes.

If you were on Who Wants to be a Millonnaire and had to phone a friend, who are the people among our players and coaches who you think would be most worth contacting?

As to who my phone a friend, I'd need to think about that one. I'd have to consider our captain Mr Johnston he's quite handy on general knowledge and grammar. Jamie Petrie is clued up on his music but just don't ask him to sing. Steff Taylor and Cameron Barry aren't bad but I'm not sure how they'd fare without Google Assist. Having thought about it, it has to be little Luke Steele, I think. No, definitely Johno, final answer.

What were your highlights of last season?
Last season was fantastic to be involved in, the club is being run as a club should be run on and off the field. I'd like to give a special mention to the girls providing us with the refreshments
at every game and our linesman who is there every week, rain or shine, it's not an easy job. On and off the field, the whole operation is being run with no stone being left unturned or any detail ignored.

What are you most looking forward to about next season?
Next season can't come quick enough so we can all continue to build the club and progress further. All the management and players can't wait to see the people who make the club and follow us come rain or shine. Finally, and he won't thank me for singling him out, but I'd like to mention Iwan Williams for the work he's done and doing on all fronts for the club but he'd be the first to say every single person involved has been brilliant.

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