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1876 welcomes a new club doctor

1876 welcomes a new club doctor

Jonathan Ervine5 Feb - 20:29
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Jonathan Sutton takes on valuable role

At a time when several new additions have been appearing on the pitch following the recent transfer window, work has also been going on behind the scenes in order to ensure players at our club receive the support they need during a busy season.

We would like to welcome our new doctor to the senior and youth teams. Jonathan Sutton is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Ysbyty Gwynedd and has experience in being a football medic as he provided medical care for the former Bangor City team. He will enhance our physiotherapy set-up with Rhys and Trudy and we look forward to the addition of his expertise to our ambitions in progressing onwards and upwards in Tier 2.

As we welcome Jonathan Sutton to our club, we would also like to place on record our thanks to Simon Leeson for previously fulfilling the role of club doctor. Simon is now our club secretary and is also the author of a book about our 2021-22 season entitled Don't Call Me Doc: Tales of a Football Medic in a League of His Own.

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